Osnovni podaci

  • Bruno Beljak
  • Rođen 31. siječnja 1980. u Zagrebu
  • Predstavnik austrijske nacionalne manjine



  • VSS - doktor veterinarske medicine
  • MUW, Wien, Medicinski fakultet, Škola javnog zdravlja, Beč
  • Veterinarski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
  • Srednja veterinarska škola Zagreb


Profesionalna karijera

  • Ewox zeleni projekti d.o.o. - direktor i vlasnik firme
  • ICAH - Institut za kutluru zdravlja životinja - voditelj projekata, Projektni manager
  • Sanol H - prodajni manager


Dodatna edukacija

  • AVELANT - voditelj pripreme i provedbe ESIF projekata
  • POL - Problem oriented learning, Wien, Beč, MUW Medicinski fakultet Beč
  • Start UP akademija Garage, Wien, Beč - škola poduzetništva
  • AVELANT - voditelj provedbe javne nabave, Zagreb Hrvatska


Funkcije i članstva

  • Predstavnik ICAF-a za Hrvatsku, International commision for the anthropology of food and nutrition
  • Član Savjeta za nacionalne manjine
  • Predstavnik austrijske nacionalne manjine Grada Zagreba
  • Predsjednik Zajednice Austrijanaca u Hrvatskoj – Zagreb


Prezentacije/ publikacije/ konferencije/ projekti/

  • The International Virtual Mirror Studies Conference (IVMSC), Beijing 6. - 9.9.2023. LOOKING INTO ANIMAL - MIRRORING IN ANIMAL ASSISTED THERAPY
  • 5. Dana kulturne animaliSTike "Nije pas beštija" Split 16. - 19.10. 2023. Anthronoses - new diseases of dogs in everyday Anthropocene
  • Rethinking Anthronosis - new pathways of human borne ill-health of animals in modern society - (poster presentation) 32nd International Society for Anthrozoology Conference, 15. - 18.6.2023. Edinburgh, Scotland (poster presentation)
  • “Anthrozoology of cuisine - caring of animals, food, and humans” The 34th World Veterinary Association Congress (WVAC 2018.) , Caring for animals = Caring for our planet, Barcelona 2018., Spain
  • “Caring for food - mutual cooking in animal owners as healthy eating style change and sustainable food practice” (poster presentation) European Congress of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine, 27. - 29. 9. 2018. Berlin, Germany
  • „After fork“ pathways of sustainable food production from an antrozoological perspective.” 3. CfP - Workshop: “Transecting Healthy and Sustainable Food in the Asia-Pacific” Yale - NUS College in collaboration with the National University of Singapore Asian Research Institute, Singapure 2018.
  • First International Animal Welfare Summit 2018 IAWS, Austria, Vienna, 24. 4. 2018.
  • SIEF 2017. - International Society for Ethnology and Folklore,13th Congress: “Dwelling of Others: non - human homes from a puddle to an animal reserve” 26 - 30 March 2017, Theme: Ways of Dwelling: Crisis - Craft - Creativity, Göttingen, Germany
  • Food as "outlook of oportunity" in forming relationship between animals, food and our kitchen tables. AGEM, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnomedizin, Human-animal relationship, Germany, Heidelberg, 2017.
  • “Dogs Obesity – a human bourne disease” Obesity in Focus: Controversaries, Discourses, Theories and Challenges in the 'Interdisciplinary Field of Anthropology & Medicine' AGEM 28. Fachkonferenz Ethnomedizin:, 12 -14 Juni 2015 Heidelberg, Germany Publ. in Curare
  • Mutual obesity - cultural disease of human - animal relations (poster presentation) 20th Congress of the European Anthropological Association: European Anthropology in a Changing World: From Culture to Global Biology, 24th – 28th August 2016, Zagreb
  • Mutual cooking – coexisting lifestyle, sharing food meals between humans, house pets and wild animals (publ. 2018./2019.), (Kuhanje među vrstama – suživotni stil pripreme i dijeljenja obroka među ljudima, kućnim, domaćim i divljim ljubimcima") Zbornik ANIMAL , ur. Antonija Zaradija Kiš, Suzana Marjanić, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, 2018.
  • “A Biological Constant and an Alimentary Relationship – Sharing Food with Animals “ ICAF (International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition) Symposium “Pure Food. Biological Constants and Cultural Manifestations of a Human Preoccupation” October 6 - 9, 2015, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Institute for advanced study, Delmenhorst, Germany
  • “Working class Cats on Croatian rural households” (Radne“ mačke na hrvatskoj seoskoj okućnici) , Mačkozbornik ili knjiga o mačkama, ur. Suzana Marjanić i Rosana Ratković, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku (priprema, izd. 2022.) Zagreb
  • TAIEX Workshop on Application of Derogation for the Establishments Producing Traditional Products, AGR 50725, 17. & 18. april 2014., Zagreb, Croatia
  • 35th Conference of the International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (ICAF); Birds as Food: Cross-Cultural and Health Perspectives, Sopron, Hungary, 13th – 15th July 2012: “From cult bird to frozen bird: turkey from Zagorje region (Croatia)”, (Publ ebook: Duhart, F. and Macbeth, H.M. (eds.) (2018.). Birds as Food: Anthropological and Cross-disciplinary Perspectives. ICAF: Alimenta Populorum series, 2018.)
  • 32nd Conference of the International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (ICAF); 19. - 21. August 2011. Leiden, Netherlands, The logic of war and the wartime meals“ (book publ: Berghahn, Oxford, 2014) WINNER OF THE 2014 GOURMAND WORLD COOKBOOK UK AWARD)
  • International Conference on Native Breeds and Plant Varieties as Part of Natural and Cultural Heritage, „Edible Podolac“, Šibenik, Croatia, 14 – 18 November 2007 (co- author)
  • Birds in ethnomedine: Use of Poultry in Reduction of Vector Bourne Diseases, Public Health, MedUniWIen, Wien 2014
  • Program of Maintaining and Monitoring of Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) on the Island of Cres, Beli. 1998, Island of Cres
  • Fieldwork research, Grey dormice (Glis glis) - traditional Croatian small feathered venison in the area of Kastav; 1997. Croatia (grad.paper)
  • “Pure food” – social desire, is it involving house pets ? (Čista hrana – društvena želja - Uključuje li i kućne ljubimce ?); Project: Be careful what you eat („Manifestacija Pazi što jedeš“), Etnografski muzej Istra, Pazin, 2018.; Book recension „Our Children and Other Animals: The Cultural Construction of Human-Animal Relations in Childhood“ Autori: Matthew Cole and Kate Stewart, Izdanje: Routledge 2014, publ. in Narodna umjetnost, 2018. Zagreb
  • “All our animals”. Animalistic topics in Croatian modern visual arts (Presentation) (Prikaz izložbe: Sve naše životinje. Animalističke teme u hrvatskoj modernoj likovnoj umjetnosti) autorica izložbe: Dajana Vlaisavljević, likovni postav: Mario Beusan, Moderna Galerija, Zagreb, 9. ožujka – 7. svibnja 2017. Publ in Narodna umjetnost 2017/2018. Zagreb
  • “Way of the hog” – edible toys, from food to a friend, (“Put svinje - od hrane do prijatelja”) Conf. meeting, “people and other animals” Etnografski muzej, Zagreb, 2018.
  • “Forensic estimation of animal injuries” (Diploma), Veterinary faculty Zagreb, Croatia, 2007.
  • Project Lovčić - Empowerment of Local Economic Growth of Village Lovčić, 2013, Croatia, CROrk - Centar za razvoj i očuvanje ruralnih krajeva /Center for preservation and development of rural areas 2013
  • Ninth International CORPUS Symposium: “Bodily Cultivation and Cultural Learning.”24th to 26th of May, 2013 Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan
  • DG Jahrbuch, Vol. 20, 2013, ( 20. Wissenschaftliche Konferenz "Die Deutschen und Österreicher in der kroatischen Kulturkreis") Dragutin Hirc (1853 - 1921) Bote der Ethnomedizin und Ethnotiermedizin (publ) 2013, Osijek, Croatia
  • HAB – Croatian autochthonous heritage – project – “Grandmas garden in my plate – education of children’s eating habits” school project involving 315 schools in Croatia, sponsored by Školska knjiga
  • Village Tirol in Croatian Kostajnica – New Trends of Economic Restoration – Croatia, 2015 – 2019; Gemeinshaft der österreicher in Kroatien
  • Kulturtreffen auf der Insel Rab – Cultural Minority Workshop, Island of Rab, Croatia, 2007 – 2014; Gemeinshaft der deutschen in Kroatien
  • Slawonien Kulturelle Vielfalt als Markenzeichen des neuen EU-Mitglieds Kroatien, Berlin, Germany, KULTURFORUM Östlichen Europa, 01/ 07/2013
  • Deutsches Kulturforum östliches Europa, Kooperationspartnertagung in Groß Stein, Kamien Shlaski, Poland, 2012